Nature Aquarium

Bolbitis heteroclita 'long tails'

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Bolbitis heteroclita 'long tails' is a sub species of aquatic fern known for its distinctive and attractive appearance. It is commonly referred to as the Water Fern or African Water Fern. Here are some key characteristics and care tips for Bolbitis heteroclita 'long tails'

  1. Appearance:

    • Bolbitis heteroclita 'long tails' features finely dissected, pinnate leaves that create an intricate and appealing texture.
    • The leaves are usually dark green, and the plant can grow both submerged and emersed. with a longer tail like appearance 
  2. Growth Habit:

    • This fern has a rhizomatous growth habit, meaning it spreads horizontally using a creeping rhizome.
    • It attaches itself to surfaces, such as rocks or driftwood, and can be used effectively in aquascaping to create natural-looking features.
  3. Lighting:

    • Bolbitis heteroclita is adaptable to different lighting conditions but generally prefers moderate to low light.
    • It can thrive in shaded areas of the aquarium, making it suitable for tanks with lower light levels.
  4. Water Parameters:

    • Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C)
    • pH: 6.0-7.5
    • Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water is generally suitable.
  5. Substrate and Attachment:

    • While Bolbitis heteroclita can be planted in the substrate, it is often more commonly attached to hard surfaces such as rocks or driftwood.
    • When attaching the rhizome to surfaces, avoid burying it in the substrate to prevent rotting.
  6. Propagation:

    • Bolbitis heteroclita can be propagated by dividing the rhizome and attaching the portions to different surfaces.
    • It is a slow-growing plant, and patience is required for it to establish and spread.
  7. Compatibility:

    • Bolbitis heteroclita is generally compatible with a variety of aquarium fish and other aquatic plants.
    • It can be used in both freshwater and brackish water setups.
  8. Maintenance:

    • Regular pruning may be necessary to control the size and shape of the plant.
    • Remove any yellowing or damaged leaves to encourage new growth.
  9. Emersed Growth:

    • Bolbitis heteroclita can adapt to emersed (above-water) growth. This feature makes it suitable for paludariums or setups where the water level fluctuates.

Bolbitis heteroclita is a popular choice among aquarists for creating lush and natural-looking aquascapes. Its unique leaf structure and adaptability to different conditions make it a versatile addition to both planted aquariums and paludariums. As always, ensure that your aquarium setup meets the specific needs of the plant, and monitor its growth and appearance for optimal health.